Pee in the yard11 Sep 2014

Teach Your Dog: Where to ‘Potty’ in The Yard – Dog Training Temecula

Training your Temecula dog to eliminate in one area of the yard is a straight forward task, and given the correct approach and a little patience anyone can teach their dog to ‘potty’ in a specific spot.   Step 1: Establish a clear and defined area. This could be a grassy area or more commonly is an area set aside and covered with pea gravel. The area need not be large, but approximately 6′ x 6′ will work

Puppy Peed in the house19 Aug 2014

The Ultimate Guide to Potty Training Your Puppy

  The Ultimate Guide to Potty Training Your Puppy Potty training your new puppy is one of the most important foundations for a well-behaved companion. It can be frustrating at times, but with the right approach, consistency, and patience, your puppy will quickly learn where and when to go. At LimitLess Dog Training in Temecula-Murrieta, we specialize in making this process easier for dog owners. This guide will walk you through everything you need to